When the pandemic hit, crisis management responses revealed quite plainly the differences in leadership and the competition between differing political systems.

China, that first neglected the virus' existence and protracted informing the international community of the existing threat, currently flaunts its narrative of being a successful combatant against the virus while it supports other nations in their fight against COVID-19. The responses of other governments range from complete ignorance to downplaying risks and scape-gating others all the way to transparent, strategic and empathic approach to protect and unite society.

Can we trace correlations between political ideology, political system and political culture and countries' responses to such global threats? Did female leaders- as often asserted- indeed respond better to the pandemic? Who gained the trust of their people and who lost it? And what conclusions can we draw for the leadership of the future? Who will our future leaders be?

On Monday, 26th October, 2020, I must say I was delighted to take part in the Kampala Geo-politics Conference, 2020 in which I was a participant and speaker. Great thanks to My Mentor Ms. Agnes Igoye , Chief Patron the Young Professional Mentorship Program(YPMP) an Inspirational lady and one of Africa's Influential Women. Impacting lives and Putting an end to Human Trafficking. 

It was an honor to participate, network and engage with speakers as Andrew Mwenda, a print, radio and television journalist. Sylvie Matelly, Deputy Director of IRIS, specialized in  Defence Economics, Renaud Girard, Former student of the Ecole Normale Superiure (ENS) and of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) in France. I was delighted to also network with speakers as Moses Owinyi, the Program Manager , ICT Policy and Information Sharing at the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET). Interacting with Journalists as Solomon Serwanjja, a Ugandan multi-award winning investigative journalist and news anchor working with Next Media Services. 

My question to the Panelists was: How can Global Leaders ensure Global Support for the most Vulnerable Countries? 

l was thrilled upon asking such a question which caught everyone's attention including the audience. 
My thought to this question: In order to ensure effective global support for the most vulnerable countries, committing resources to and coordinating fiscal monetary and anti-protectionist initiatives are needed. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the impact of lives and the global economy is increasing at an unprecendented speed and scale. So far outbreaks have been predominantly addressed at national levels as governments deal with critical threats to public health systems and domestic economies.

 However, the Pandemic has also revealed the extent of our interconnectedness with national responses having consequences on neighboring countries and beyond. Various International organizations, leaders, economists and health and Socretal Crisis wrought by the Covid-19 Pandemic including how to support African Countries that are bracing for the worst. The Crisis needs a global response as one of  its causes has been ecological that is being too closer to wild animals. My conclusion to this crisis includes: One country cannot put a stop to this problem, so global leaders need to come together, collaborate and find a solution to this problem by putting a ban on Wild life in order to prevent another future crisis since COVID-19 has not been the first and wont be the last. 

Currently, even when vaccines are being produced worldwide, they are not being effective. My advice to all is that we should maintain COVID-19 Standard Operation Procedures (SOPS) by ensuring that we put on Face Masks at all times and maintain social distancing regularly. Leaders should as well prepare for the future out comes on how to control Pandemics since COVID-19 has not been the first and wont be the last. 


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